ある日本の調査によるとモリンガは二酸化炭素 (CO2) を吸収する能力が日本のスギの木の 50 倍 、一般植物と比較して20 倍の能力がある(Villafuerte LR,Villafute-Abonal L 2009) 。
アグロフォレストリーシステムInt.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci(2017)6(8):229-235 232にこのようなタイプの樹木成分を統合することで、気候変動の影響が緩和されます。
Villafuerte LR, Villafurte-Abonal L (2009) Data taken from the Forestry Agency of Japan in Moringa. Malunggay Phillippines, Apples of Gold Publishing, Singapore, P 240.
気候変動への樹木の役割とモリンガのチカラ ;以下原文
Climate mitigate potential of tree All trees in nature have tangible and intangible benefits to societies. Intangible benefits include ecosystem services provide through tree or nature, essential for survival ship of human kinds. Tree improve moisture regime of soil by reducing interception losses, excess run-off and by increasing infiltration/ recharge rate and also has potential not only to arrest fast depletion of ground water table but also to reverse the trend in raising. Tree sequester aboveground and belowground carbon and thus contribute in mitigation of climate change in the long run. According to one study, the rate of Moringa tree to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) is fifty times (50x) higher when compared to the Japanese cedar tree and also twenty times (20x) higher than that of general vegetation (Villafuerte et al., 2009). Integration of such type of tree component in agroforestry system Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 229-235 232 prevalent in different parts of the country will mitigate the impacts of climate change. Many other ecosystem services provide tree like, Improvement of soil fertility, act as barrier for Air, Water, Soil erosion, Biodiversity and habitat conservation are very essential for equilibrium between human and nature.